Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Po's thoughtfulness

This picture is from Ma's birthday on 9/18/2005, in our old Azusa townhome.

After reading the recent posts, I realized that we all had dreams of Po. Uncle Eddie passed away the night I flew back to Taiwan for Po's funeral, and I actually dreamt of him first. My dreams of him were happy dreams. After that, I felt both happy & upset. Happy because I know Uncle Eddie is in a good place, and he wanted to remind me how much joy he had brought us. Upset because I missed Po so much, yet I didn't dream of her at all since she left us.

Well, the night after I had these thoughts, I had a quick glance of Po in my dream. I think it happened the night of February 19th.

When I said quick glance, it was very quick, like less than a minute. In my dream, I was walking somewhere, and I saw Po leaning against a wall, sitting down on the street corner as though she wasn't feeling well. I ran to her, and asked if she was OK. She looked at me and said to me, "Remember, your family and friends are the most important things in the world. So be sure to make time for them."

Before I could help her up or say anything else, Po disappeared. I woke up, and just thought how sweet of Po to let me know that she did not forget about me. She loved every one of us so much, that she did not want to make any one of us sad. Yet, when I complained that she didn't come visit me in my dreams, she did so briefly enough to deliver this very important message to me.

In Po's life, she had always put her family first before anything else. I will always remember what Po taught me, and to make time to put family first.

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

"Family first" 這句話說的好!家人往往是我們最大的支持和鼓勵者,讓我們更加珍惜Family這個緣份吧!
